Piglette's SETI Statistics
From the SETI@home XML Feed

The Berkeley SETI at home site has a free XML feed where you can gather your real time statistics directly from the SETI site itself. With the feed you can use your own script to view your statistics and display them directly on your webpage. Piglette's statistics using the SETI screensaver are shown below.

Network error: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (0)
My SETI Statistics
My SETI Rank (based on number of work units processed)

These statistics have been parsed from the SETI XML feed using a little parsing program that I've written in PHP. If you have a website of your own and have PHP on your site's server, you can use Piglette's code to extract your own statistics directly from the SETI XML feed. Simply click here for Piglette's SETI XML parser in PHP to show on your own site how you've been helping in the search for alien extra terrestral life with your computer.

Updated 1 March 2008:

Sadly the main Seti@home site does not seem to offer an XML feed of users' individual data any more, which means my script no longer works (boo hoo!). If you know of an allowed way to get individual data for posting on your site, please pop a mention of the method in the comment box below - thanks.

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Piglette's SETI Statistics Piglette's Free SETI XML Statistics Parser
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